
From Idle Clans wiki

Creating a clan

Game mode: Normal

A clan can be created at a one-time cost of Gold.png 10,000 gold. In the 'normal' game mode, each clan can hold up to 20 different players at one time. There are no penalties for leaving or joining a clan, except there is a 48 hour cooldown upon joining a clan where you cannot contribute clan experience with your actions.

Game mode: Ironman

A clan can be created at a one-time cost of Gold.png 10,000 gold. In the ironman game mode, you are the only person allowed in your clan.

Game mode: Group Ironman

In the group ironman game mode, players can make a clan for free as they are forced to create a clan or join one upon creating their account. A group ironman clan can hold up to 6 different players at one time. A group ironman player is only allowed to join a clan one time upon creation of their account - after this, if the player leaves the clan they created or the clan they joined they are forced to create a new clan and can only invite new group ironman accounts to their new clan.


Main article: Clan events

After clicking on the Clan tab from the game menu, a button titled Events can be found in the clan navigation. Clan members can participate in events by themselves, though it is recommended to group up, as a 2% experience boost is applied per participating clan member.

Each clan member can complete a gathering clan event 4* times per day with a 60 minute* cooldown, and a crafting clan event 3* times per day with a 90 minute* cooldown.

Skilling party requires tickets to enter, loot is different from other skilling events and this is the only source of Skilling gloves.

* Clan gathering and crafting event amount limits and time cooldowns can be upgraded once requirements are met in the Clan tab under "Upgrades"

Clan Credits

Clan credits can be earned in various ways. 25% more clan credits can be earned from ALL sources if you have a Premium permanent untradeable.png Premium membership token.

Players in Ironman mode get 3x more clan credits from all sources to balance out having no clanmates.

Earned Clan Credits
Action Game mode
Normal & Group Ironman Ironman (Solo)
No Premium Premium No Premium Premium
Daily clan quest Extermination / Item turn-in 16 20 48 60
Clan event Per round; per participant 4 5 12 15
The Valley of Gods Any boss kill; per participant 12 15 36 45
Raid success Reckoning of the Gods.png Reckoning of the Gods 3 4 9 12
Raids.png Guardians of the Citadel 3 4 9 12
Opening Chests Common chest.png Common treasure chest 2 2 6 6
Rare chest.png Rare treasure chest 4 5 12 15
Exceptional chest.png Exceptional treasure chest 10 12 30 36
Breaking/Refining Gemstones Refined gemstone.png Refined gemstone 2 2 6 6
Great gemstone.png Great gemstone 4 5 12 15
Elite gemstone.png Elite gemstone 10 12 30 36
Superior gemstone.png Superior gemstone 20 25 60 75
Outstanding gemstone.png Outstanding gemstone 40 50 120 150
Godlike gemstone.png Godlike gemstone 120 150 360 450
Otherworldly gemstone.png Otherworldly gemstone 500 625 1500 1,875

Clan Experience

Clan members that receive any experience will additionally contribute 5% of their earned experience to their respective clan skill levels that can be found within the Clan tab in-game. (For example, a player earning 200 xp in Woodcutting will also contribute 10 xp to their clan's Woodcutting skill.) Note: Clan events also contribute to clan xp levels.

Players in Ironman mode get 5x more clan experience for all sources to balance out having no clanmates.

Raising the clan's skill levels is a prerequisite to unlocking housing properties and clan upgrades, which can provide powerful boosts to all clan members.

Clan Property

Clan Property consists of a Vault for items and for Gold, Clan housing and Clan/Accumulated credits.

Vault space begins with 8 spaces available and can be increased up to 38 with the purchase of clan Housing below. Additionally with in-game purchases of Clan vault space.png Clan vault space token this can be increased by another 200 slots. Up to a maximum of 238 slots fully upgraded.

Gold storage in the vault has a maximum value of Gold.png 2,000,000,000 (2 billion gold).


In the Clan tab, under "Property". All of the clan housing provides skill XP boosts, which are increased by 5% per tier.

House Name Cost Credits Materials Material amount Skill requirements Skill levels Skill XP boost Vault Space
Guild house 1.png Tent (Clan) Gold.png 5,000,000 100 Spruce plank.png Spruce plank 2,500 Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 25 5% +4
Fishing.png Fishing 20
Mining.png Mining 25
Bronze bar.png Bronze bar 2,500 Smithing.png Smithing 25
Foraging.png Foraging 15
Carpentry.png Carpentry 25
Guild house 2.png Barn Gold.png 7,500,000 500 Pine plank.png Pine plank 5,500 Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 45 10% +8
Fishing.png Fishing 35
Mining.png Mining 45
Iron bar.png Iron bar 4,500 Smithing.png Smithing 45
Foraging.png Foraging 30
Carpentry.png Carpentry 45
Guild house 3.png Windmill Gold.png 20,000,000 2,000 Maple plank.png Maple Plank 12,000 Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 65 15% +12
Fishing.png Fishing 50
Mining.png Mining 60
Steel bar.png Steel bar 10,000 Smithing.png Smithing 60
Foraging.png Foraging 50
Carpentry.png Carpentry 65
Guild house 4.png House (Clan) Gold.png 50,000,000 10,000 Chestnut plank.png Chestnut Plank 20,000 Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 75 20% +18
Fishing.png Fishing 65
Mining.png Mining 70
Platinum bar.png Platinum bar 15,000 Smithing.png Smithing 70
Foraging.png Foraging 60
Carpentry.png Carpentry 75
Guild house 5.png Manor Gold.png 100,000,000 50,000 Yew plank.png Yew Plank 50,000 Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 90 25% +24
Fishing.png Fishing 85
Mining.png Mining 90
Meteorite bar.png Meteorite bar 40,000 Smithing.png Smithing 85
Foraging.png Foraging 80
Carpentry.png Carpentry 95
Guild house 6.png Castle Gold.png 500,000,000 250,000 Magical plank.png Magical Plank 250,000 Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 100 30% +30
Fishing.png Fishing 100
Mining.png Mining 100
Titanium bar.png Titanium bar 75,000 Smithing.png Smithing 100
Foraging.png Foraging 100
Carpentry.png Carpentry 100

Clan Upgrades

Clan upgrades can be purchased in the clan tab "Upgrades", Leaders and deputies are the only roles that are able to purchase these upgrades.

Clan stats are required to purchase all upgrades and everyone who is in the clan helps to upgrade the clan stats.

Upgrades Credits Effect Skill Requirements Clan Level Requirements
Clan upgrade get up.png Get Up! 25,000 Enemy death timers reduced by 50% Rigour.png Attack 60
Strength.png Strength 60
Defence.png Defence 60
Archery.png Archery 60
Magic.png Magic 50
Clan upgrade bullseye.png Bullseye 20,000 Arrows in combat gain a permanent 20% boost Archery.png Archery 75
Clan upgrade strength in numbers.png Strength in numbers 12,500 Receive 10% bonus experience in combat with your clan Rigour.png Attack 30
Strength.png Strength 30
Defence.png Defence 30
Archery.png Archery 30
Magic.png Magic 30
Clan upgrade gatherers.png Gatherers 22,500 Increases gathering skills' speed by 5% Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 70
Fishing.png Fishing 70
Mining.png Mining 70
Foraging.png Foraging 70
Clan upgrade bigger bottles.png Potioneering 30,000 Potion effects last 25% longer Brewing.png Brewing 70
Clan upgrade group effort.png Group effort 5,000 Plundering success rates are raised by 10% Rigour.png Attack 40
Strength.png Strength 40
Defence.png Defence 40
Archery.png Archery 40
Magic.png Magic 50
Clan upgrade an offer they cant refuse.png An offer they can't refuse 50,000 All sales to non-players yield 10% more gold Plundering.png Plundering 80
Foraging.png Foraging 80
Farming.png Farming 70
Carpentry.png Carpentry 75
Clan upgrade yoink.png Yoink 17,500 15% chance to not use up a key when entering a boss lair Agility.png Agility 60
Clan upgrade no cooldown.png Gotta get crafting 5,000 Removes the cooldown from your clan's crafting events Crafting.png Crafting 40
Smithing.png Smithing 40
Cooking.png Cooking 40
Farming.png Farming 40
Brewing.png Brewing 40
Clan upgrade more events.png More gathering 10,000 Allows your clan to complete 2 extra gatherer events daily Mining.png Mining 40
Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 40
Fishing.png Fishing 40
Foraging.png Foraging 40
Clan upgrade no cooldown.png No time to waste 5,000 Removes the cooldown from your clan's gathering events Mining.png Mining 40
Woodcutting.png Woodcutting 40
Fishing.png Fishing 40
Foraging.png Foraging 40
Clan upgrade more events.png More crafting 5,000 Allows your clan to complete 1 extra crafting event daily Crafting.png Crafting 40
Smithing.png Smithing 40
Cooking.png Cooking 40
Farming.png Farming 40
Brewing.png Brewing 40
Clan upgrade auto events.png Laid-back events 10,000 Automatically start a new clan event after your current one ends(if not on cooldown) Crafting.png Crafting 40
Smithing.png Smithing 40
Cooking.png Cooking 40
Farming.png Farming 40
Brewing.png Brewing 40
Clan upgrade turkey chasers.png Turkey chasers 10,000 Allows your clan to complete 1 extra of each combat event daily Rigour.png Attack 50
Strength.png Strength 50
Defence.png Defence 50
Archery.png Archery 50
Magic.png Magic 50
Clan upgrade line the turkeys up.png Line the turkeys up 5,000 Removes the cooldown from your clan's daily combat events Rigour.png Attack 30
Strength.png Strength 30
Defence.png Defence 30
Archery.png Archery 30
Magic.png Magic 30
Clan upgrade auto clan boss.png Keep 'em coming 5,000 Automatically restart clan boss fights No Requirements
Clan upgrade clan boss boost.png Clan boss slayers 50,000 Receive a 10% damage boost against clan bosses All three items in clan vault:

1x Spider fang.png Spider fang

1x Ancient bone.png Ancient bone

1x Golem fragment.png Golem fragment

Clan upgrade ways of the genie.png Ways of the genie 250,000 Raises the effects of Otherworldly essence from 30% to 72% 1000 Skilling party runs completed

Clan Recruitment Center

After clicking on the Clan tab from the game menu, a button titled Recruitment center will be available to all players. Clicking on this will open the Clan Recruitment Center.

This shows all clans that have recruitment turned on.

Filter on right hand side allows you to filter by Activity Score, Minimum total level required, Language and Category of the Clan. All clans that fit these filters will appear on left hand side and are sorted by Activity Score.

Activity Score is calculated automatically based on the experience input by each individual members contribution over the past few days. Clancenter.PNG

Clan Recruitment Management

After clicking on the Clan tab from the game menu, a button titled Management will be available to Leaders and Deputy Leaders.

Clans have a maximum of 20 members. If there are less then 20 in the clan you will be able to turn on Recruiting.

From this tab you can Invite players directly, View logs, Claim leadership and set up Recruiting.

There are four key things to set up in terms of recruiting.

Clan Category: Casual, Competitive or Hardcore Minimum total level requirement: 0 - 2280 Clan Language: (English by default) Recruitment Message:


Taking Ownership of a Clan

  • Regular members can claim leadership of a clan if the leader has been offline for more than 90 days. Deputy leaders are still able to claim it first at 28 days of the leader being offline