Clan Bosses

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Revision as of 22:39, 12 September 2024 by Sven6895 (talk | contribs) (Added clan boss fight info)

Clan Bosses

Malignant spider art

1. Malignant spider

  • No requirements to enter
Available Modifiers:
Modifier Tiers
Attack speed boost Tier 1 Tier 2
Makes everyone in the party attack faster Value: 4,500 ms

Cost: 250 Clan credits

Value: 4,000 ms

Cost: 500 Clan credits

Loot rolls per kill Tier 1 Tier 2
More players receive loot from kills Value: 4 rolls

Cost: 1,250 Clan credits

Value: 5 rolls

Cost: 2,500 Clan credits

Skeleton warrior art

2. Skeleton warrior

  • Requirements to enter:
    • Normal mode clans must have killed each Valley of the God boss (excluding Kronos) 25 times each
    • Ironman mode clans must have killed each Valley of the God boss (excluding Kronos) 12 times each
Available Modifiers:
Modifier Tiers
Attack speed boost Tier 1 Tier 2
Makes everyone in the party attack faster Value: 4,500 ms

Cost: 250 Clan credits

Value: 4,000 ms

Cost: 500 Clan credits

Loot rolls per kill Tier 1 Tier 2
More players receive loot from kills Value: 4 rolls

Cost: 2,500 Clan credits

Value: 5 rolls

Cost: 5,000 Clan credits

Otherworldly golem art

3. Otherworldly golem

  • Requirements to enter:
    • Normal mode clans must have killed each Valley of the God boss 2,500 times each, and killed Kronos at least 250 times
    • Ironman mode clans must have killed each Valley of the God boss 250 times each, and killed Kronos at least 25 times
Available Modifiers:
Modifier Tiers
Attack speed boost Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Makes everyone in the party attack faster Value: 4,750 ms

Cost: 1,000 Clan credits

Value: 4,500 ms

Cost: 2,000 Clan credits

Value: 4,250 ms

Cost: 3,000 Clan credits

Value: 4,000 ms

Cost: 4,000 Clan credits

Loot rolls per kill Tier 1 Tier 2
More players receive loot from kills Value: 4 rolls

Cost: 10,000 Clan credits

Value: 5 rolls

Cost: 20,000 Clan credits

Clan Boss Mechanics

  • Clan boss fights can be started with any amount of members, up to the entire current clan limit of 20 members
  • Members are permitted to join and leave the boss fights at any time
  • Clan member attacks are synchronized and dealt at the same time; the damage is summed up into one large 'strike'
  • Bosses attack all participating clan members each turn and each member will receiving a different attack roll against them
  • Modifier upgrades may be purchased with clan credits; in order to purchase the higher level tiers all lower level tiers must also be purchased
    • Modifier upgrades only last until daily reset (12:00AM UTC) once this passes, modifiers will be lost and must be re-purchased
  • Food consumption is based on missing health with an unchangeable auto-eat threshold set to 99%
    • The Upgrade picky eater.png Picky eater upgrade is automatically applied in clan boss fights regardless if the user has the upgrade unlocked which means players must be mindful of the available foods in their inventories, as Picky eater can be very wasteful if there is only a limited selection of food available - see the Picky eater page for more details
  • If a member dies in combat, they forfeit their ability to receive loot from the current boss fight unless they can re-enter before the boss dies.
    • Any dead members will be automatically revived upon the boss being killed
    • Leaving and rejoining the battle after the player dies has a 1 minute cooldown
    • The fight ends if all players die or leave, so ironman can't abuse this free reviving mechanic
  • Clan boss kills are recorded on both Player and Clan leaderboards
    • Kills will only be counted once regardless of the party size for the clan record

Clan Upgrades

Clan upgrades can be purchased by navigating to the clan tab within the 'Upgrades' section. Clan leaders and deputies are the only roles that are able to purchase upgrades.

Upgrades Credits Effect Skill Requirements Item Requirements
Clan upgrade auto clan boss.png Keep 'em coming 5,000 Automatically restart clan boss fights None None
Clan upgrade clan boss boost.png Clan boss slayers 50,000 Receive a 10% damage boost against clan bosses None All three items in clan vault:

1x Spider fang.png Spider fang

1x Ancient bone.png Ancient bone

1x Golem fragment.png Golem fragment

  • If 'Keep 'em coming' is unlocked, boss fights will automatically restart with no respawn timer when the boss is taken down
  • The Spider fang, Ancient bone and Golem fragment are very rare drops from the new bosses (1/2000 drop chance; 0.5%) and need to be in the clan's vault to purchase the 'Clan boss slayers' upgrade
    • These items are sent directly to your clan's vault when dropped if it can hold them. Otherwise, they're added to the players inventory. If the player leaves or is kicked out of the clan, the items will be deleted from their inventory

Useful Tips and Extra Notes

  • The large health pools of the Malignant spider and Skeleton warrior combined with their relatively lower defense bonuses means that they can be a great source of combat experience
  • Unlike normal combat enemies and Valley of the Gods bosses, Clan bosses can be 'over-hit' when dealing damage
    • This means that instead of capping the damage dealt at the remaining health of the enemy, any amount of damage can be dealt to finish them off and all experience points are awarded - when combined with the 'Keep 'em coming' clan upgrade giving the clan bosses instant revive timers, this can contribute to higher combat experience gains
  • Similar to Clan combat experience events and combat loot events, players will not consume arrows in combat, meaning players can equip one astronomical arrow and save on arrow costs regardless of if they have Ammo-saver unlocked or not
  • The 30% daily xp boost does work in clan boss fights, as well as any combat potions related to dealing higher damage such as Potion of pure power.png Potion of pure power, Potion of dark magic.png Potion of dark magic, Potion of great sight.png Potion of great sight, and Potion of ancient knowledge.png Potion of ancient knowledge
    • Also due to the fixed attack rate interval of 3 seconds, the Potion of swiftness.png Potion of swiftness will not do anything in these fights
  • At this point in time, the Upgrade teamwork.png Teamwork upgrade and Clan upgrade strength in numbers.png Strength in numbers clan upgrade do not appear to influence clan boss fights, even if you are actively fighting with other clan members