Picky eater

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The Picky eater perk is available on the Local market tab under Upgrade dealership, in the Combat category. Purchasing this upgrade costs Gold.png 10,000,000 gold and requires you to have level 90 Cooking.png Cooking. As of the latest update adding clan bosses, the Picky eater upgrade is automatically applied to all combat participants within the clan boss combat party regardless of if they have Picky eater unlocked or not.

In normal combat Picky eater has more control through the use of eat threshold %. A lower setting can allow you to make use of healing through the use of completionist capes, life steal wand or hitpoint cape's lifesteal effect. However setting the threshold too low will mean your larger foods get consumed first, as you're missing a large value of HP before Picky eater is allowed to use healing. Because of this, relying on lifesteal is counter productive to how Picky eater functions and instead normal auto-eating should be used with a lower value, expendable food. Picky eater is more valuable as a tool when you have a wide variety of foods but want to prevent death (Kronos.png Kronos, Chimera.png Chimera) by making use of a variety of foods to keep your HP topped up while not wasting big healing items for small damage values taken.

While in combat with clan bosses there is no manual setting for the Picky eater eating threshold %. It is defaulted to 100%.

Picky eater will attempt to use foods that heal close to the damage you take. This can be above or below the value if a matching type of food is not found. If two foods have the same healing value, the first one in the inventory food order is consumed first. This behavior only holds true and works reliably so long as a wide variety of food values are available. The fewer food values you have, the worse Picky eater gets in terms of over-eating and wasting food. Here's an example: If your lowest value food while fighting Otherworldly golem.png Otherworldly golem is Cooked tuna.png Cooked tuna (17hp) then any damage value taken from 1 to 35 will cause you to eat a tuna. If you had Cooked piranha.png Cooked piranha (2hp), then damage values of 1-2 eat a piranha, 3-35 eat a tuna. On the next turn if no further damage is taken, a second tuna would be eaten (34 hp healed). On the third turn if no damage was taken, a piranha would be eaten to bring the player back to full hp (35 healed).

Picky eater doesn't properly make use of the boosted healing values provided by the Chefs hat.png Chef's hat. Example: If 9 damage is taken, Picky eater will consume a Cooked carp.png Cooked carp (12hp chef's hat) instead of a Cooked giant meat.png Cooked giant meat (10hp chef's hat). This is because the un-boosted values are 10hp (carp) and 8hp (giant meat), so giant meat wouldn't normally be enough to heal for 9hp.

Upgrade picky eater.png
Tier Cost skill req. Effect
1 Gold.png 10,000,000 90 Cooking.png Cooking When taking damage in combat, always eat food that heals the closest to your missing health