Christmas Event
The Christmas Event is a two week long holiday event that starts in the middle of December and ends at the end of December. Players can purchase presents with gold on a 1:1 ratio, then donate it to raise the present supply and increase the collective experience boost. Every time the total donated present supply reaches a new set milestone, the experience boost increases. Presents gets 'handed out' every hour which lowers the supply, where the amount depends on the current milestone, which requires players to keep donating to maintain certain experience boosts. The experience bonus is stored and can be claimed during the event, but if unclaimed, it will automatically be given to the player after the event.
Present Supply | 0 | 10M | 50M | 250M | 500M | 1B | 2B | 3B | 5B | 7B |
Presents Removed Hourly | 0 | 1M | 5M | 15M | 50M | 75M | 100M | 100M | 100M | 100M |
Experience Boost | 2% | 4% | 6% | 8% | 10% | 12% | 14% | 16% | 18% | 20% |
2023 Christmas Benefactors
Upon the completion of the Christmas Event, the top 30 players that donated the most amount of presents to the present supply were announced and given a red '2023 Christmas benefactor' role in the Idle Clans Discord Server accompanied with a emoji.
2023 Christmas Event Announcement Reddit Post
Temsei Discord message displaying Christmas event winners on the Idle Clans Discord Server