There are 5 main kinds of boost: Skill Experience Boost, Skill Speed Boost, Combat Experience Boosts, Damage Boosts, and Defense Boosts.
Note: This page does not cover potions in its calculations. However, here are some notable ones for reference with their effect.
Potion of Ancient Knowledge: Gives +50% effect to jewelry enchantments. (With 4 diamond enchantments, this is an additional +10% boost to skill speed (or experience boost if enchanting or refining tools)
Potion of Great Sight: Gives +10% damage boost to Archery.
Potion of Dark Magic: Gives a 25% chance to have +105% damage boost to Magic. (~26.25% damage boost)
Potion of Pure Power: Gives a +20% damage boost to Melee.
Skill Experience Boost
Clan House
Tier | House | Skill XP boost |
1 | Tent (Clan) | 5% |
2 | Barn | 10% |
3 | Windmill | 15% |
4 | House (Clan) | 20% |
5 | Manor | 25% |
6 | Castle | 30% |
Tier | House | Skill XP boost |
1 | Cardboard box | 5% |
2 | Tent | 10% |
3 | Van Down by the River | 15% |
4 | Small cabin | 20% |
5 | House | 25% |
Daily Boosts
Token | Skill XP boost |
Premium membership token | 30% for 2 hours, up to 4 times per day |
Note: This boost can also be activated by non-premium users on mobile platforms by watching an ad.
Enchanted Jewelry (instant tasks)
Enchantment | Skill XP boost |
Common enchantment scroll (crafting) | 1.5% |
Common enchantment scroll (enchanting) | 1.5% |
Rare enchantment scroll (crafting) | 3.0% |
Rare enchantment scroll (enchanting) | 3.0% |
Exceptional enchantment scroll (crafting) | 5.0% |
Exceptional enchantment scroll (enchanting) | 5.0% |
Note: This requires the user to be a premium member as Enchanting is a premium-only skill and enchanted jewelry cannot be traded.
Note: Crafting enchantments only provide an XP Boost to refinement station tasks with gemstones (since they are instant.)
Note: These enchantments can stack additively across all 4 jewelry slots, up to a max boost of 20% with 4 exceptional enchantments.
Enchantment | Skill XP boost |
Normal crafting needle | 4.0% |
Refined crafting needle | 6.0% |
Great crafting needle | 8.0% |
Elite crafting needle | 10.0% |
Superior crafting needle | 12.0% |
Outstanding crafting needle | 15.0% |
Godlike crafting needle | 20.0% |
Otherworldly crafting needle | 25.0% |
Note: Since Enchanting doesn't have a tool, the only XP Boost from tools is while refining gemstones.
Skilling Gear
Skill | Gear | Skill XP Boost |
Crafting | Artisan's boots | 2% |
Note: Skilling gear only provides an XP Boost to refinement station tasks with gemstones (since they are instant.)
Mastery Capes
Equipment | Level requirement | Skill XP boost |
Mastery cape (Tier 1) | 90 | 5% |
Mastery cape (Tier 2) | 100 | 10% |
Mastery cape (Tier 3) | 110 | 15% |
Mastery cape (Tier 4) | 120 | 20% |
Note: A cape will only affect XP boost when refining gemstones or Enchanting, with the Crafting cape and Enchanting Cape respectively (or the Completionist Cape)
Experience is calculated as the following:
Experience Gained = Base Task Experience * (1 + Clan House Boost + Housing Boost) * (1 + Daily Boost (if active)) * (1 + Jewelry Boost (if relevant) + Equipment Boost (if player has active crafting needle and is refining with a Gemstone) + Skilling Gear Boost (if player is wearing Artisan's boots and is refining with a Gemstone)+ Mastery Cape Boost (if relevant))
Example: Player is crafting a Godlike item (50,000 XP). They have a House (25%) and their clan has a Castle (30%). They have activated one of their daily boosts (30%). They are currently wearing 4 pieces of enchanted diamond jewelry, each with Exceptional enchantment scroll (crafting) applied (5% * 4 = 20%). They are holding a Godlike crafting needle (20%). They are wearing Artisan's boots (2%) They are wearing a Crafting cape (Tier 4) (20%).
The total experience gained will be: 50,000 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.3) * (1 + 0.3) * (1 + 0.2 + 0.2 + 0.02 + 0.2) = 50,000 * 1.55 * 1.3 * 1.62 = 163,215 experience.
Skill Speed Boost
Clan Upgrades
Upgrade | Skill Speed boost |
Gatherers | 5% |
Skilling Gear
Skill | Gear | Skill Speed Boost |
Fishing | Fisherman's hat | 2% |
Fisherman's jacket | 2% | |
Fisherman's pants | 2% | |
Mining | Miner's helmet | 2% |
Miner's jacket | 2% | |
Miner's pants | 2% | |
Foraging | Forager's hat | 2% |
Forager's jacket | 2% | |
Forager's shorts | 2% | |
Woodcutting | Lumberjack's hat | 2% |
Lumberjack's shirt | 2% | |
Lumberjack's pants | 2% | |
Crafting | Artisan's boots | 2% |
Note: All gathering skilling gear has a chance of dropping from Clan events. Each piece provides a 2% additive bonus for its skill when worn. These are non-tradeable.
Note: The exception is Artisan's boots, which drop from killing the Minotaur, and are tradeable.
Enchanted Jewelry
Enchantment | Skill Speed boost |
Common enchantment scroll | 1.5% |
Rare enchantment scroll | 3.0% |
Exceptional enchantment scroll | 5.0% |
Note: This requires the user to be a premium member as Enchanting is a premium-only skill and enchanted jewelry cannot be traded.
Note: A speed boost is only applied if the task is not instant (i.e. not refining a tool or enchanting jewelry.)
Note: These enchantments can stack additively across all 4 jewelry slots, up to a max boost of 20% with 4 exceptional enchantments.
Enchantment | Skill Speed boost |
Normal crafting needle | 4.0% |
Refined crafting needle | 6.0% |
Great crafting needle | 8.0% |
Elite crafting needle | 10.0% |
Superior crafting needle | 12.0% |
Outstanding crafting needle | 15.0% |
Godlike crafting needle | 20.0% |
Otherworldly crafting needle | 25.0% |
Note: An exception is made for refining tools with gemstones, as that is an instant task and gets an experience boost instead.
Note: All tools have the same speed boosts within a tier.
Mastery Capes
Equipment | Level requirement | Skill Speed boost |
Mastery cape (Tier 1) | 90 | 5% |
Mastery cape (Tier 2) | 100 | 10% |
Mastery cape (Tier 3) | 110 | 15% |
Mastery cape (Tier 4) | 120 | 20% |
Note: This speed boost does not apply to instant tasks, which get an experience boost instead.
Skilling speed is calculated as the following:
Task Time = Base Task Time * (1 - Clan Upgrades (if applicable) ) * (1 - Skilling Gear - Enchanted Jewelry - Tools - Mastery Capes)
Example: Player is Fishing Tuna (45 seconds). Their clan has Gatherers (5%). They are currently wearing Fisherman's hat, Fisherman's jacket, and Fisherman's pants (2%*3 = 6%), as well as 4 pieces of enchanted diamond jewelry, each with Exceptional enchantment scroll (fishing) applied (5% * 4 = 20%). They are holding a Godlike fishing rod (20%). They are wearing a Fishing cape (Tier 4) (20%).
The task time will be: 45 * (1 - 0.05) * (1 - 0.06 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2) = 45 * 0.95 * 0.34 = 14.535 seconds.
Combat Experience Boosts
Daily boosts, Teamwork (Upgrade Dealership), Strength in Numbers (Clan Upgrade)
Combat Damage Boosts
Monster hunter (Upgrade Dealership), Enchanted Jewelry with relevant attack scroll, Combat Mastery Capes
Combat Defense Boosts
Enchanted Jewelry with Exceptional enchantment scroll (defense), Defense mastery cape