7/31/2024 - 'Bug fixes & small modifications'

From Idle Clans wiki

Bug fixes & small modifications

  1. Leaving the quests popup will now clear the highlight of any selected quests
  2. Fixed starting daily quests sometimes not visually updating if you hadn't opened the weekly quest tab during the session (but the task would still start)
  3. Fixed another case of weekly quest completions not visually updating when not viewing them
  4. Fixed tasks sometimes not appearing to start when starting them via the quest popup. The task would still be running but wouldn't visually be shown
  5. Tier 3 and 4 magic pets had their sprites reversed. Fixed
  6. Fixed upgrading pets messing up your stats in the combat task stats popup (it detected the unequipping of the original pet but not the equipping of the upgraded pet. Visual bug only)
  7. Fixed some Spanish translations
  8. A rare issue introduced recently where your player wouldn't be correctly instantiated into solo combat should be fixed
  9. Database downloads when starting the client and logging in (when required) should now be much faster