6/19/2024 - 'Player market overhaul, Leaderboard rework, Public API'

From Idle Clans wiki
New player market page
Creating an offer

The biggest change in this update is the fully reworked player market. You'll now be able to create buy offers on top of sell offers and the entire experience should be much smoother. We've also got the tools set up to display average prices and historical market data.

More than a few developers have wished for a public API and I'm glad to announce that it has arrived! You'll be able to query data from the player market, leaderboards, player profiles & more.

Lots to dive into, so let's get on with it!

Player market

  • The player shops are now the player market and there are some significant changes!
    • You can now create buy offers on top of sell offers
    • The player market interacts with our new API to give you the data on the current and historical price data of items you look up
    • You don't have to worry about underpricing or overpricing your items in most cases, the game attempts to find you the best deals available. For example, if you create a sell offer for coal for 1 gold each, the game will find the buy offers with the highest price for coal and execute those orders and that's what you'll get for the coal rather than 1 gold price you submitted. Works vice versa for buy offers as well.
    • The items with the largest volume in the past 24 hours are displayed on the player market page
    • Trading history has been updated to work with the new market along with some changes
      • Trading history is now saved online rather than on disk so you'll always have the real data no matter what device you're playing on
      • Trading history entries improved graphically
      • Limited to the latest 20 entries
    • Your old listings can be accessed via the Legacy shop button on the Player market page. Other players can no longer interact with these listings, so you should delist them at your earliest convenience.


  • Leaderboards received a massive overhaul! You should notice a very significant difference in the speed at which leaderboards load and they'll consume less memory client side as well.
  • Clans now keep track of boss kills and raid completions and they are now a part of clan leaderboards. Since they weren't tracked before, all clans start from zero in those fields as of this update
  • Leaderboard client-side caches are now cleared on log out so instead of having to close the entire client to get updated leaderboards, you'll only need to relog
  • Top list entries with 500m experience now show the time at which it was achieved as well
  • All fields now show up in standings and clan standings, even if you're not ranked in them. If you aren't yet on the leaderboards in a given field, it'll just say you're unranked rather than hiding the field
  • Total level and experience are now shown in the Clan standings page
  • Clan leaderboard profiles now have a button leading to the clan's recruitment page
  • Leaderboards were migrated to the new system earlier this morning so leaderboard entries may be a few hours out of date until you relog

Clan logs

  • Clan logs popup can now hold 500 entries
  • Clan logs now expire after 2 weeks
  • Clan logs popup was made slightly bigger to give logs more space
  • Vault logs were shortened a little bit
  • The name of the currently viewed logs is now shown in the popup's title text
  • Note: clan logs are currently processed in batches every 10 minutes, so they won't show up right away when a clan member does a thing
  • Note 2: clan logs are cached client side for 10 minutes or until you relog, so even if clan logs have been processed, you might not see them right away

Public API

  • Our API has been released! It contains endpoints for the player market, leaderboards, clans and players. This is just the initial version and it'll be expanded upon based on feedback
  • Developers with serious projects can contact me to receive a key to access higher rate limits
  • Simple documentation available at https://query.idleclans.com/api-docs

Bug fixes & tweaks (some already went live with the server restarts last week)

  • Chat no longer accepts special characters
  • Fixed error popups occurring during item listing being hidden under the shop management popup
  • Fixed ironmen not being able to accept game shop items whilst offline
  • Fixed the profanity filter using the same localization for clan name blocks as for player names
  • The skilling event popup and the combat group loot info popup can now be closed from background clicks
  • Ironmen can now accept game shop items from other players while offline
  • Claiming a daily boost no longer closes the popup
  • Fixed premium tokens not becoming untradeable when sending them to another player
  • Fixed daily boosts being decreased twice as fast when doing offline progress and receiving experience in more than 1 skill
  • Fixed an issue where when jumping between tasks, you might not get asked to use consumables even if you had them
  • Fixed Reset button in combat Damage calcs not working correctly
  • Probably some other stuff that I forgot to write down, this update was a bit hectic.