6/19/2024 - 'Couple of Player market additions'
Build 1.4001 has been uploaded to Steam with a couple of changes to the Player market based on feedback.
The player market page now has a "Search offers" button that lets you browse items and view additional information on them
View 1d, 7d and 30d average prices
View volume past 24 hours
View the 10 lowest sell offers
View the 10 highest buy offers
The same button is also in the offer page. If you've selected an item for an offer, it'll automatically query it
An info button has been added next to the item's image when creating offers in the player market. Pressing it will show the stats of the currently selected item
It'll be on Android and iOS likely tomorrow or the day after - the upload processes on there aren't quite as fast as Steam unfortunately.
Sorry to hear that some of you have had poor experiences with the new player market so far. I know it's more complex than what we had previously and can be a bit to take on - especially with the new market still being immature and there not being sufficient data on a lot of items yet. I'm confident it'll provide a better experience once it matures a little bit! That said, your feedback has all been heard and improvements will continue to be made until we get the new market to be the best that it can be.