4/25/2024 - 'Auto Quests, new sprites & bug fixes'

From Idle Clans wiki

Note: some of the smaller changes in this list have already been rolled out throughout the week.

  • Quests can now be auto completed
    • When pressing begin task of a quest, you'll now be asked what you want to happen after the quest is finished. Note that if you log out, the game won't remember your original task and won't be able to return to it once quests are done. Also, you won't move onto new quests when offline - you need to be online for this functionality to work.
    • Option 1: Do nothing, continue the quest task
    • Option 2: Continue the task you were doing before starting the quest.
    • Option 3: Automatically start next quests. Quests that can be automatically started are quests that haven't been completed, have an associated skill, have a non-zero task completion time and that you have the resources for (if applicable)
  • Quests now have a small red exclamation mark if you don't have the resources to complete the quest or if you don't have the level requirement for it (which should only happen with very low level quests). When clicking a quest, there will be a red warning text displaying the reason for the exclamation mark
    • Similarly, if a quest is currently being completed, a green checkmark will be displayed on the quest
  • Fixed the progress bar of tasks not filling up after ending a clan event and being returned to your prior task
  • Lil' cooker renamed to Lil' chef
  • You can no longer claim quest rewards with less than 2 inventory spaces, as there's a chance the item reward or potential pet would not added to your inventory
  • The quest reward claimed popup can now be closed with background clicks
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when being disconnected out of the game, making the game unresponsive (impacted mobile devices especially)
  • Fixed another issue on mobile devices where returning to the game after having the game minimized for a while, you would be disconnected from the server but the game wasn't able to log out properly, causing you to need to force quit the game
  • Fixed an issue where experience and item drops could stop animating into view correctly and instead just spawn where their animation would end. This would normally start happening some time into a session
  • When attempting to list an item for sale for a price that would put you over the 2B gold limit if sold, the error message would appear under the shop management popup. Fixed
  • Modified sprites by ZoEzi for: Bows, Staves, Heavy hammers and spears
  • Totally new sprites by ZoEzi for:
    • Astaroth's scimitar
    • Dragon slayer's crossbow
    • Sorcerer's staff
  • Removed the "Read" enchanting scrolls. Enchanting tasks can now be completed by enchanting an item OR reading a scroll. The weight of the Enchanting quest was increased so it should be showing up commonly.
  • Reduced min/max completions of the Stew quest to 10-15
  • Reduced min/max completions of the Anglerfish quest to 40-60