4/17/2024 - 'Quests & Pets - Phase 1'

From Idle Clans wiki

Almost 200 daily quests have been added to the game and when completing a quest, you have a low chance of receiving a pet in the related skill. Even if you don't get lucky there though, you'll still receive worthwhile item and experience rewards.

By default, you have 6 daily quests available to you along with 8 rerolls. Rerolls can be used on quests that you haven't yet completed to help you get quests to your liking. These can be increased to 10 daily quests and 16 rerolls by activating a Questing token, which can be found from the game shop for $4.99 (localized prices may vary) or bought from other players.

Quests in this phase are largely skilling quests, along with a few miscellaneous quests which are aimed to help new players navigate the early game (List an item for sale, send an item to your clan's vault, join a clan event etc.). Combat related quests and weekly quests will arrive in phase 2 or phase 3 in the near future.


  • Pets are now obtainable but they are still largely in development and don't have distinctive benefits other than small defensive bonuses. They'll receive more identifying features in phase 2 of this update
  • Each skilling quest has a small chance of providing a pet in the related skill on quest completion
  • The cosmetics section of the Local market now contains 2 pets available for purchase for gilded players. These don't offer any stats or benefits.
    • Lil' companion. Costs 1,000 gold
    • Lil' swagger. Costs 250M gold


  • You can now filter items in the shop item listing popup to more easily find what you're looking for
  • New gorgeous item sprites, courtesy of ZoEzi! You may direct your thanks to him.
    • Almost all weapons (crossbows and arrows will follow) have been updated
    • Clan houses were renamed and they all received unique sprites
  • The gilded cosmetic effects are now a lot more subtle and they no longer hide the colours of the underlying item
  • Scrolls in the Enchanting tab now show owned amounts
  • Added some backup processes to rare situations where your in-app purchases on mobile wouldn't go through due to network or other issues. If the payment went through but you weren't given the item you should've received, the system will now attempt to restore the purchase when you log into the game
  • The "Combat is still active layout" is now initialized at the bottom right to give header buttons more space. It can still be moved by dragging.
  • Total experience is now a part of leaderboard profiles
  • There's now a "View patch notes" button in the main menu which leads to the Patch Notes page of our Wiki where all game updates are neatly organized. A small animated exclamation mark appears on the button when there's a bigger update out. Huge props to our Wiki editors for their work there!

Bug fixes

  • Fixed cosmetic variants of some new items not proccing their effects
  • Fixed Guardian's lamp giving too little coal from offline progress
  • Task stats popup no longer calculates the extra resources from Guardian's lamp and Guardian's mallet into items per hour
  • Fixed Yoink procs not showing up client side when using up a boss key (the key would still be saved server-side)
  • Fixed typo in Necromancer's hat (was Necromancers's hat)
  • Fixed the Delete data button in settings not doing anything when pressed. Pressing it doesn't instantly delete your account - what it does is submit a request for your account to be deleted and it'll be completed once gone through a verification process.
  • The in-app purchase currency symbols are no longer localized on Steam builds as the purchase is always processed as USD without localization
  • Farming no longer gives experience in Raids 2 if you don't have premium
  • Your raid chat is no longer removed after a run is finished, only once leaving the lobby or if it gets dismissed

Quest 1.png Quest 2.png Pet 1.png Gilded pets.png