4/14/2023 - 'First update'

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Revision as of 23:14, 4 March 2024 by RaisinTheBar (talk | contribs) (Page created for hyperlink for patch notes page)
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Idle Clan has been live for a week!

As many of you early players unfortunately found out, the server wasn't quite prepared to handle the amount of players we've had come play this week. It took a couple of days to get server fixed up to a decently stable place and it has now been mostly behaving well - even with the player count increasing every day since launch. Still, the work is on-going and you may experience some quirks from time to time. By far the most time has been spent making server-side improvements, but there was time for some other updates as well. Here they are!

Changes & updates

  • Player shops have had a slight rework
    1. Recently modified shops are no longer shown, you can now search for items directly and find the cheapest deals available
    2. #marketplace-listings has at least for the time being been disabled. It promoted a pretty unhealthy trading environment and is no longer as needed with items being directly searchable in game now
    3. The notification received when a player buys your listed item is now only displayed for trades worth over 2.5K
  • Chat timeout no longer applies to Clan and Combat group chats
  • Chat timeout raised to 20 minutes
  • New message notifications are now hidden when you get timed out from chat
  • Enchantment scrolls have had their looks renewed. Once again a massive thanks to Madao for his incredible work!
  • A "soft" popup is now triggered when a player buys your listed item instead of the disruptive "hard" popup (A soft popup is the small green popup that slides to your screen and a hard popup is any larger popup that needs to be manually closed. I shall from here on out in future posts use those terms without quotes or explanations).
  • A ton of item icons have had their looks renewed! A massive thanks to Madao for redoing them, absolutely fantastic work!
  • You will now be automatically timed out from the chat after 10 minutes if you don't interact with it (send messages). When you get timed out, you no longer receive chat messages until you press the reconnect button in the chat popup. I realize this is an inconvenience but as you can imagine each chatbox message being delivered to each connected player in the game every time adds a good amount of load to the server. I may raise the time required for timeout in the future.
  • If you had all of the possible skill boosts available in the game, you would complete tasks much faster than what had been designed (woops). Skilling speed boosts have thus been temporarily hard-capped at 80% until the design is given a closer look.
  • A number of backend improvements & alt prevention + detection
  • Logs and planks no longer all use the same graphic. Big thanks to Madao for making the sprite variations!
  • Global refinement announcements have been disabled all together
  • Chat input field is no longer activated when receiving new messages
  • Minigame boost IAP is now hidden if minigames aren't enabled
  • Fixing an issue with group combat looting this update

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in "Housing upgrade" text
  • Fixed password field in lobby not accepting special characters when "show password" was toggled on
  • Fixed an issue where if you started a task, logged out and then logged back in without the task completing at least once, the task wouldn't automatically resume
  • Fixed an issue where the client assumed that a player shop purchase would go through if certain conditions were met before waiting for a response from the server
  • When your item got purchased and you had several of the same item type for sale, the client would always select the first item of that type and give you the gold based on the listing price of that item. Just a visual bug, but it could cause some funky looking numbers until you relogged. Fixed.
  • Player Shops had a bug where if you opened for example slot 1 of another players shop to buy a specific item, and the other player then changed the item in that slot before your purchase had been processed, you would buy the updated item when attempting to make a delayed purchase. Fixed.
  • Fixed "ad" boost not being applied to combat experience
  • Tier 5 cost of the Ammo-saver upgrade was incorrect, fixed