1/17/2024 - 'Small changes & bug fixes'

From Idle Clans wiki
Revision as of 22:02, 4 March 2024 by RaisinTheBar (talk | contribs)

Note that some of these changes won't apply until the server restarts, which will happen some time during today.


  • Experience received in the clan combat experience event will now stop tripling if you manage to reach 100k gained experience to prevent systematic funnelling
  • The maximum amount of loot rolls you can receive in the clan combat loot event is now 12


  • A massive amount of bosses were slain yesterday and it put a good amount of strain on Idle Clans Bot, so I've had to reduce the amount of game activity broadcasts the bot does. Boss kills are now only broadcasted if a rare drop is received and some broadcasts were removed all together
  • Fixed the protection image being shown in non-Kronos boss fights in group combat after respawns
  • Fixed an issue with claiming combat loot during the tutorial
  • Fixed the "End run after round" button only being visible to team leaders if they had the upgrade unlocked themselves (it should be usable if anyone in the team has the upgrade)
  • Vials now show under the "Resources" inventory sorting
  • Combat event participant info text now shows as "Enemy receives more health for each additional participant"
  • Fixed saving loadouts incorrectly triggering the "Loadout has unsaved changes" popup
  • Boss pages and Kronos' book are now sorted together with boss keys in inventory auto-sort
  • Fixed combat events being ended prematurely when a clan member attempts to join an event that has been running for some time
  • Fixed an issue with cosmetic mastery cape upgrades