11/7/2023 - 'Updates 7th of November'

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Item loadouts, clan events QoL, Archery & Magic mixed attack styles & more!

Loadouts are here!

  • Accessed from your Inventory page. Press the Loadouts button to start setting up your loadouts and optionally use the Quick select loadout button afterwards to quickly change between item sets.
  • Loadouts access items directly from your inventory and equipment. Meaning that if you add a Godlike hatchet to your loadout and then later sell it, the loadout won't be usable until you either remove the Godlike hatchet from the loadout or get another one.
  • 3 are unlocked by default and you can unlock 15 more from the Local market.
  • "Auto loadout token" is a new tradeable token that has been added to the game shop for $3.99. Unlocking it allows you to set non-combat tasks to automatically equip selected loadouts when started. Also works in clan events.


  • A new clan upgrade has been added: Laid-back events. It costs 10k credits and unlocking it will allow you to auto-run clan events with the initial party as long as they are available and not on cooldown.
  • Archery & Magic have received the Mixed attack style and can now receive half of the gained experience in defence.


  • Combat enemies now have multiple hit splats similarly to raid so that the one doesn't get all worn out in group combat.
  • Minigame item rewards are now automatically collected.
  • Minigame active overlay, combat active overlay and server update overlay are now draggable.
  • The background image of the game was changed.
  • Clan credit info popup now mentions clan events as a credit source.
  • Mastery cape purchase popup now mentions that the previous tier cape is required for purchasing capes after tier 1 (currently only on Steam).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with raid runs sometimes not getting cleaned up properly, causing you to be unable to accept an invitation into another raid lobby if you were still in the previous one (although it would appear to go through, you wouldn't really be added to the party).
  • Fixed banked holiday experience not disappearing from the event popup until closing and reopening the popup (visual bug).
  • Fixed guest name changes not receiving feedback when attempting to change your name into an already taken username.
  • Gilded & inventory token purchases can no longer be initiated with a full inventory.
  • (Hopefully) fixed disconnections not getting carried out to everyone when server updates hit.
  • Enchantment scrolls can no longer be read from inventory with the Ancient Wisdom upgrade without premium.
  • Fixed 'Forgot password' UI not appearing correctly when using the feature multiple times in a row.
  • Fixed an issue in the mining stage of the tutorial that would force you to skip the tutorial.
  • Fixed an issue with the input field in upgrades that can be purchased in bulk not correctly updating the total cost displayed on the buy button.
  • Fixed tasks sometimes not prompting to use skilling consumables even when you had them in your inventory.
  • Cosmetic rings and bracelets can now be upgraded with symbols.
  • Slightly modified how the profile UI is shown when you log into the game. Previously default UI values were shown for a very brief time until your data was initialized and it looked a little broken.
  • Fixed large item sales causing the total sell price to go slightly out of sync between the client and server.
  • Fixed a rare issue where you could lose more ore than intended when logging into offline smelting progress.