Game Rules

From Idle Clans wiki
(Redirected from Rules)

Bug exploitation

You must not take advantage of any bugs you may find in the game. You're encouraged to submit a bug report when finding a bug or directly message a @Developer(Discord) if the bug is of sensitive nature. You will absolutely not be punished for finding and reporting a bug of any nature. If you're found to purposefully abuse a bug, you will be permanently banned from the game. Similarly, if you are aware of bug abuse going on and do not report it, you may be banned.


Idle Clans is meant to be played by humans. If you're found to be botting, you're likely going to be banned from the game.

Alt(ernative) accounts

You are allowed to play and operate up to 3 normal accounts (excluding ironmen). If caught playing with more accounts than that, your accounts may be banned. Having other people play the game solely to funnel items to you falls under this rule as well. Inappropriate language or behaviour

When using the game chat, you're expected to show other members of the community respect. Unacceptable chat includes but is not limited to bullying, harassment, doxing, explicitly sexual content, malicious links, slurs, targeted attacks and highly offensive or disturbing topics. Use common sense.

Advertising/self-promotion etc.

The game chat is not the right place to do any kind of advertising. If you'd like to promote your channels creating Idle Clans content, you can do so in our Discord server in the relevant channels.


Trading any in-game items or services for real money or anything else outside of Idle Clans is strictly against the rules and attempting to do so will get you banned from the game.


Examples of this include stealing items from a clan vault or not respecting the accepted terms in group boss fight runs when it comes to loot distribution. It can be difficult for us to gather accurate picture of what went down in these situations so such incidents will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as our bandwidth allows. Bottom line, scamming can lead to your account being permanently banned. Show others respect.
