
From Idle Clans wiki
Revision as of 04:34, 13 February 2025 by Demon (talk | contribs) (corrected small error in formula in seaweed example and figured out and cleaned up clan credits section)

Chests are a rare item drop from Skills and Combat.

Chests can be randomly found doing most tasks in the game, whether online or offline. The exact chance of finding chests greatly varies, but the higher level tasks you complete, the higher chance at finding a chest. Additionally Monsters are known to hoard chests, making combat a great and predictable way to farm chests.

Chest Drop Rates

When it comes to obtaining chests through Skills, the drop rate is a function dependent upon two variables - the base chance of a chest type to drop, and the level requirement of the current task. The base drop chances are as follows:

The function to calculate the final chest drop rate is:

Chest Drop Chance = Base Chance * ((Task Level Requirement / 10) * 1.033)

Example: To calculate the odds of obtaining a common treasure chest from foraging Seaweed.png Seaweed:
0.015 * ((90 / 10) * 1.033) ≈ 0.139 = 0.139%
In other words, every task action of foraging seaweed has about a 0.139% chance to obtain a Common chest.png Common treasure chest.

Tip: Wearing Treasure hunter gloves.png Treasure hunter gloves when skilling Agility.png Agility boosts the chest drop chance by 50% making it one of the best ways to obtain chests in the game.

Drop Sources

Table of all the current sources of obtaining chests in the game and the quantity received. Note that drop chance greatly varies depending on the source.

Source(s) Common chest.png Common treasure chest Rare chest.png Rare treasure chest Exceptional chest.png Exceptional treasure chest
Monsters ✅ (1) ✅ (1) ✅ (1)
Bosses ✅ (2-4) ✅ (1-2)
Raids ✅ (1-4) ✅ (1-2) ✅ (1)
Skills ✅ (1) ✅ (1) ✅ (1)
Quests ✅ (1) ✅ (1) ✅ (1)

Clan Credit Rewards

Clan credits are received from opening treasure chests. Players with Premium permanent.png Premium membership status will receive 25% more credits.

Note: The clan credits received calculation seems to round up when opening multiple Common chest.png Common treasure chests or Exceptional chest.png Exceptional treasure chests at once, but rounds down when only 1 is opened. Due to this, you can often receive more clan credits from opening multiple chests at a time rather than opening each chest individually. (i.e. opening 2 Exceptional treasure chests individually provides 24 credits (each chest is 10 * 1.25 = 12.5 rounded down to 12), but opening 2 Exceptional treasure chests at once provides 25 credits ((10 * 1.25) * 2 = 25).

  • Credits from Rare chest.png Rare treasure chests are unchanged as taking 25% of 4 is exactly 1 leaving no decimals to round up or down.
Player Status Common chest.png Common treasure chest Rare chest.png Rare treasure chest Exceptional chest.png Exceptional treasure chest
Non-Premium 2 4 10
Premium permanent.png Premium 2 5 12